I made a some little hair clips. This picture makes it look huge, but it's not. I was mostly inspired by
Amy Karol's
little clippies, but a
few others caught my eye too.

And, of course, another birthday crown and more clippies.

But, the real news? Yup, I did it. I actually dropped the kid off at daycare at 1pm, packed up the car and then drove to Seattle to see the
Yarn Harlot, and then drove home. To put this in perspective: it takes about 3 hours to get to Seattle and that includes a ferry. On the way home, the ferry was full and I had to wait an extra 40 minutes until the next one. Try explaining that to someone who doesn't knit! It's hard enough to convince someone that it's worth the trip for a huge concert, like if Prince came to Seattle, I wouldn't make the trip. . . and that's saying a lot! So, for me to make the trip to see an author. . .an author of humor books, wait: an author of
knitting humor books, well, you see how my Friday went.

The truth is, I totally needed and deserved this break. For those of you who know
what's been up with my husband this summer, you know that to take 9 hours out of a day and be alone and then surrounded by fellow knitters was amazing. I was worried that I'd get tired, but I was so energized by seeing Stephanie that I floated home. It had nothing to do with the 3 diet cokes I had, really. And, as hard as it is to explain a spontaneous road trip to see a knitting author, get this: I listened to
self help books on CD the whole way. Yup. That's right. . . I'm flaunting it now! I drove to Seattle to see a hysterically funny knitting author speak and I became a better person in the process. I wasn't even fussed about missing that ferry.
So, in that picture up there, I'm wearing my "
Knit it or Quit it" t-shirt. I gave one to Stephanie too. I also scored her a
Tom Bihn knitting bag. It's Seattle made and not even on the market yet. Still in beta. It was really fun to see her speak and then to take a few minutes of her time and say hello. . . good stuff. I think my favorite part was that after she said something applause-worthy, there would be a split second pause as everyone set down their knitting and
then started clapping. That cracked me up, and so did she. Fun Fun.
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