Tom had a brain tumor. We didn't know until he was laying on the bathroom floor in the worst pain of his life vomiting.
I took him to the ER here in Port Angeles and within 48 hours, we were transferred to Virginia Mason in Seattle and the tumor was removed. Super quick emergency brain surgery.
Within a week of finding the tumor, he was released from the hospital to his parent's home
We went back the next day because he'd contracted meningitis.
Flash forward 7 weeks, (4 of which he spent in the hospital and another 2 at his parent's house), and another brain surgery and he's finally off of the antibiotics and starting to heal. It's been a long haul.
Despite (or because of) all of that, I've been busy in the crafting department, though did not get a chance to document it here.
A few of my summer projects:
I'm working on the Pinwheel Sweater for Abby.

The back has a little apple sewn on it. Teacher-y without being too teacher-y.
And, back to the birthday crowns for little ones in my little girl's life. This one was for Lauren's 3rd birthday.

Aside from that, I finally got onto Ravelry. I went a little crazy looking at everyone else's stuff and getting excited for new projects. Now, if they only had something like that for sewing too! You can find me there with the user name: carrieknits. How appropriate.
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